6 Benefits of Having a Blog to your Website

03 Feb

6 Benefits of Having a Blog to your Website

As a busy small-business owner, you may wonder if it’s worth the time and effort to maintain a blog on your website.

If you want to increase the visibility and credibility of your company to consumers, you might consider regularly posting quality content on your website that will be interesting and useful to them. A blog is where this content may be housed, whether or not you call this section of your website a blog. On many sites, the “blog” has a different label, such as News, Press or Articles.
Pixel Run has listed 6 reasons why your small business website should consider a blog.

1. Drive traffic to your website.
A website with a blog may generate, websites with blogs may be able to get more traffic than websites without blogs. Good SEO results are largely driven by new content and relevant keywords, which means fresh content and a place to house it. Blogs present you with the platform to do just that. Adding fresh content to your website may help it place higher in search engine results than other websites, which could make it more likely to get visited.

2. Convert traffic to leads.
Every new piece of content may allow you to generate leads and the way to do that maybe by adding a call-to-action to each blog post. Once you have their contact information, your sales team can follow up with those leads.

3. Become authority.
The best small-business blogs can answer potential customers’ common questions and discuss industry trends. If potential customers view your blog as one that can provide helpful information about relevant topics, they may be more likely to do business with you than with your competitors. Interesting and unique content can also allow you to drive traffic to your website through inbound links.

4. Boost your social media efforts.
Blog content can be excellent for sharing on social media. When you produce original content that’s valuable, interesting and entertaining to your target audience, you may be more likely to get social shares. An added benefit: Unlike posting curated content on your social channels, content that’s shared from your blog will point directly back to your website.

5. Build relationships with potential customers.
The comments section on your blog may be a place on your website where you can have a two-way discussion with consumers. By responding to your readers’ comments, you have the opportunity to build trust and gain insight into what your customers are looking for.

6. Drive long-term results.
So you write a post on your blog, promote it on your social channels and hopefully get some shares. After that initial flurry of activity, the traffic driven by that post will slow to a trickle. And that’s the end of that, right?

Not by a long shot. That page is now ranked in search engines. Just like the rest of the static pages on your website, this blog may continue to be visited as long as it’s on the web. A website with a substantial amount of blog content can continue to boost total traffic from old blog posts, providing the potential of a pretty substantial return on the few hours you invested in writing a post From a practical standpoint, adding a blog to your small business website may just make sense. With minimal expense and effort, you can help to boost search engine rankings, build credibility, increase website traffic and foster relationships with customers. This, in turn, may make your readers more likely to hire you or purchase products from your company, in addition to recommending your business to others.

Pixel Run provides aesthetic and creative approaches and detailed digital media plans which incorporate all these above and make sure that customer satisfaction and business reach are always at its top priority and catering to their necessities is our utmost responsibility.